Las escuelas del Condado Washington continuarán siguiendo la guía “Escuelas Preparadas, Estudiantes Seguros” del Departamento de Educación de Oregon para el año escolar 2021-21 para decidir cuando sea seguro para los estudiantes regresar a los salones de clase. Conoce más sobre las métrica de seguridad...

Washington County schools will continue to follow the Oregon Department of Education’s “Ready Schools, Safe Learners” guidance for school year 2020-21 to decide when it is safe for students to return to the classroom. Learn more about the state’s safety metrics to reopening for each...

News about COVID-19 and the vaccine changes rapidly.  To let us know how you feel about the vaccine, fill out our survey. Bienestar residents are eligible to win a $100 gift card if you let us know how you feel. To be informed about the vaccine, read...