Vaccines for Kids Ages 5 – 11 FAQ

Children ages 5 – 11 are now eligible for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine! 

We know parents at Bienestar must have lots of questions. With guidance and information provided by the OHA, we’ve gathered answers to some of those questions below.

Which vaccine has been approved for kids, ages 5 – 11?

The Pfizer Bio-NTech’s Covid-19 vaccine.

How effective is the vaccine in kids, ages 5-11?

Clinical trials show that the vaccine was 90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children 5 through 11.

How safe is the vaccine?

While studying the safety of the vaccine, approximately 3,100 children ages 5 – 11 received the vaccine and no serious side effects were detected in the ongoing study.

What’s the difference between the kids’ vaccine and the adult one? 

Children will receive a lower dose of 10 micrograms. (The vaccine for those 12 and up is 30 micrograms.)

How is it administered?

Just like for adults and people 12 and up, children will receive two doses, three weeks apart.

What are the side effects for kids?

Commonly reported side effects included:

  • Sore arm at injection site
  • Redness and swelling
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • muscle and/or joint pain, 
  • Chills, 
  • Fever, 
  • Swollen lymph nodes, 
  • Nausea 
  • Decreased appetite. 

Side effects occurred more often after the second dose, were generally mild to moderate in severity, occurred within 2 days after vaccination, and most  went away within 1-2 days.

Should my child get vaccinated if they’ve already had COVID-19?

Yes. COVID-19 vaccination provides additional proven protection to natural immunity, which offers some but not complete protection. COVID-19 continues to spread in this age group despite the larger number of children with prior infection.

Can my child get the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine at the same time? 


What is the cost?

Just like for adults and adolescents 12 and up, the vaccine is FREE. If you have insurance, bring your card. 

Where will kids be able to get the vaccine in Washington County?

On Friday, November 12, Virginia Garcia will hold its first vaccine event for those 5 and older at Aloha-Huber K8 5000 SW 173rd Ave Beaverton from 2pm – 6pm Click Here to Learn More

For more vaccine events and other locations, we will provide information when it is available.  Vaccine doses for kids continue to arrive in Oregon and pharmacies, pediatrician offices, health clinics and some schools all plan to provide it. 

Right now, the links below will help you find and make an appointment online for select locations. Early slots have been filling up quickly, but more providers will have the vaccine soon. 

For more about COVID-19, resources and more, Click Here to Read the Updated FAQ! 

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