Booster Shot Updates

There are now booster shot recommendations for all three Covid-19 vaccines. Whether you received the Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson and Johnson, you may be able to get a booster dose if you meet the current eligibility requirements. Up until last week, only those who had received the Pfizer could get a booster. Many Bienestar residents received the Moderna and J&J, so this is great news!

If you received the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, you should receive a booster dose at least 6 months after your second dose if:

  • You’re 65 years and older. 
  • You’re 18 years and older & live in long-term care settings
  • You are 50 years and older and have underlying medical conditions, an increased risk of social inequities, or disabilities (including intellectual and developmental disabilities). 

If you received the Moderna at least 6 months ago, you’re also eligible for a booster if:

  • You are 18 years and older who have underlying medical conditions, increased risk of social inequities, or disabilities (including intellectual/developmental disabilities). 
  • You are 18 years and older who live or work in high-risk settings

If you received the Johnson & Johnson, a booster dose is recommended for everyone over 18 at least two months after the first dose. 

If you are eligible for a booster dose, you can get any of the three COVID-19 vaccines as the booster, regardless of the vaccine you received as your initial dose.

If you are eligible, you can get a booster at many locations in Washington County. Click here for more information in Spanish or Click here for more information in English.
For more about COVID-19, resources and more, Click Here to Read the Updated FAQ! 

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